

"I've been using TablEdit for about 15 years and still think it's the best out there. I've tried a couple others, but TablEdit has the most intuitive interface. One cool feature is being able to enter a TAB in one tuning and then switch to another tuning to see if the fingering works any better."
George Seifert - Washington, USA

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Para instalar TEFview para Windows, simplemente haga doble click sobre el fichero de distribución (tefv.exe). TEFview se instalará en un sub-directorio (o carpeta) de Archivos de Programa llamado /tabledit.

Para instalar TEFview para Mac:

  • Haga doble click sobre el fichero de distribución (tefview.dmg o tefvx.dmg)
  • Copie "TEFview" al directorio "Aplicaciones".