Ce qu'ils en disent:

"Just to consolidate my reference to Sibelius G8 I went back to give it a try. The truth is that TablEdit does appear to be less sophisticated but is in fact easier to use, easier to set up, quicker to respond, and about fifty times cheaper and less pompous. G8 may well drift nicely into Sibelius, but the language of file exchange between the people I work with is MIDIfile, even top orchestrators, simply because it is so easy to email - so when I want to print fancy scores I can still do that."
Pete Townshend - U.K.

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Tablature du mois

Venezuelan waltz - Arr. Michel Haumont

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Sites de Tablatures

Free Tablature Archive : Des centaines de morceaux au format TablEdit.

Mandozine : Des morceaux pour mandoline au format TablEdit et beaucoup d'autres ressources.
http://www.mandozine.com (Archive)

dulcimertab : Tablatures pour dulcimer des Appalaches, dont beaucoup au format TablEdit

Guitar Free Scores : Partitions gratuites pour guitare classique dans différents styles et formats, y compris TablEdit

MiLaRéSolSiMi : Portail français de partitions gratuites pour guitare.