
"I have been using TablEdit for years and know of no better program to meet my needs for composing music. I belong to a dulcimer club and an ensemble, and am regularly writing parts for dulcimers with different "voices" like the baritone, bass and ginger. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is interested in composing music for their group."
- Peggy Broussard, Louisiana, USA


Descubra nuestras aplicaciones para iOS y Android:

TEFview / TEFpad Comparación de características Android / iOS

TEFview el visor gratuito de ficheros de TablEdit

TEFview para Android Watch Demo on YouTube
para Android devices

TEFview para iOS
para el iPad, iPhone y iPod Touch

TEFpad El editor de ficheros de TablEdit

TEFpad para Android  Watch Demo on YouTube
para Android dispositivos

TEFpad para iOS  Watch Demo on YouTube
para iPad, iPhone, y iPod Touch