TablEdit Users Say:

"TablEdit is a very useful and valuable tool. I have been using TablEdit on and off for nearly 15 years. I am a 'very amateur' musician and TablEdit has been a valuable tool as I have struggled over the years to improve my guitar and banjo playing. I have used both downloads from TablEdit and other on-line libraries of .tef files to work out notes and fingerings on both instruments. I have also been able to create useful .tef files of songs I have learned from friends and other sources. Being able to transpose these files to other keys is also one of the other tools I find most useful. This really helps to adapt the songs to vocal accompaniments. All in all, a very valuable tool."
- John Andrews, Colorado, USA


TEFpad Pro アンドロイド版

TEFpad Pro アンドロイド版は $24.95 でお求め頂けます。以下のフォームに必要事項を記入し "登録情報を送信" をクリックしてください。
※ 記入必ずアルファベットにしてください。例) 山田太郎 Tarou Yamada

"登録情報を送信" ボタンをクリックすると、 PayPal 支払い画面に移ります。クレジットカードでお支払いください。


 ユーザ登録の情報 ※ 記入必ずアルファベットで