Musicians using TablEdit

Giuseppe Torrisi (1958-2021)

Italian Guitarist and Teacher of Guitar  ItalianoItaliano

I discovered TableEdit about ten years ago and it was "Love at first glance"! Easy to use, professional sounds which have nothing less than those from awarded (and very expensive) musical software; disk-space friendly and, furthermore, completely FREE as a light version (only musical reader). It allows an immediate and simple use also in the practical teaching where its preparatory value is extraordinary, linking together the traditional notation to the tablature. TablEdit is, in my humble opinion, the best software available on market for musical writing dedicated to guitar and other stringed instruments. I really thank the author, Matthieu Leschemelle, for the very important contribution of TablEdit to the spread of guitar music on the web. Giuseppe Torrisi

Giuseppe Torrisi Was born in Catania (Italy), and is a self-taught classical guitarist. In 1986 he graduated in the conservatory "Tito Schipa" in Lecce.

He attended several postgraduate studies with world-famous teachers such as A. Diaz, R. Chiesa ed A. Minella.

Since 1983 he is a assistant of the E.A.R- Massimo Bellini Theatre in Catania giving substantial contributions for the realization of operas, ballets and symphonic concerts.

He has appeared on live television and participated to radio programmes performing live, and in 1986 he was awarded the special "Show Prize".He writes lots of transcriptions and arrangements for the classical guitar.

In 1999 he released a solo CD ("Dalla Sicilia al Sud-America...") in which there can be found personal guitar re-examinations of renowned tunes during an imaginary trip through different popular cultures.In recent times he has performed concerts in Romany and Germany achieving widespread support both from audiences and reviews.

In parallel to the soloist activity, Giuseppe Torrisi works together with some musical groups in order to re-discover and bring out Sicilian musical popular traditions.

Giuseppe Torrisi carries out a fully private teaching profession and, on this way, he has initiated some students to a professional artistic activity. He is on the teaching staff - musical class - of the intermediate schools "Nino Martoglio " in Belpasso (Italy).

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"Cinque Studi Brevi" published by "Les Productions d'Oz"

TablEdit Arrangements/Examples (.tef)

Audio Tablature
Immagini Giuseppe Torrisi
Download Bella Ciao arr. Torrisi
Download Célèbre Adagio arr. Torrisi


Giuseppe Torrisi

Giuseppe Torrisi